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Beer : Ale
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This category of beer uses yeast that ferments at the "top" of the fermentation vessel, and typically at higher temperatures than lager yeast (60°-75°F), which, as a result, makes for a quicker fermentation period (7-8 days, or even less). Ale yeast are known to produce by-products called esters, which are "flowery" and "fruity" aromas ranging, but not limited to apple, pear, pineapple, grass, hay, plum, and prune.

Erdinger Non Alcoholic Beer
6pk ⇒ 11oz Btls: $11.99
Our non-alcoholic beer is a true multi-talent. Spicy malt notes harmonize excellently with caramel-s ...
Erdinger Weissbier
6pk ⇒ 11oz Btls: $11.99
This classic wheat beer blends gently spicy malt aromas with mildly bitter hops. Its secret lies in ...

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